Financing operations

On this page you will find current figures about Finnvera's financing as well as information about the grounds for risk-taking.

Key information about Finnvera's financing

By providing financing, Finnvera influences the competitiveness of Finnish enterprises - their opportunities to operate and grow in Finland and to enter international markets. Finnvera can provide financing for most sectors.

Finnvera enables comprehensive financing solutions that encompass the Finnvera Group's own products and the services offered by other public and private financiers.

Financing and outstanding commitments

Offered financing (EUR bn)20242023202220212020
Domestic loans and guarantees0.
Export credit guarantees, export guarantees 
and special guarantees
Outstanding commitments (EUR bn)*12/202412/202312/2022 12/202112/2020
Domestic loans and guarantees2.
Export credit guarantees, export guarantees 
and special guarantees
*The exposure includes binding credit commitments and recovery and guarantee receivables.     

Exposure by sector


Finnvera financing is suitable for most sectors and industries. However, there are certain sectors that are not covered by Finnvera's financial operations.


Controlled risk-taking is an integral part of Finnvera’s operations. According to the goal of self-sustainability set for Finnvera’s operations, income received from commercial operations must, in the long-run, cover both the company’s own operating expenses and the credit and guarantee losses for which it bears responsibility.


The monitoring of client companies’ financial and operational situation is part of Finnvera’s risk management. Finnvera’s aim is to respond to any weakening in the client enterprise’s situation as early as possible in order to secure viable business.

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