Finnvera guarantees Wärtsilä's battery storage system deliveries for solar and wind power plants in United States and Chile

Wärtsilä's battery storage systems (BESS) for Enel S.p.A. solar and wind power plants in the United States (Texas) and Chile.
Guarantee Holder: Citibank Europe plc, UK Branch
Exporter: Wärtsilä Oyj subsidiaries
Lender: Citibank N.A., London Branch
Buyers: Enel S.p.A. owned subsidiaries located in Chile and in the USA
Borrower: Enel Chile S.A., Chile
Guarantor: Enel S.p.A., Italy
Export transaction/Goods: Battery storage systems (BESS) for solar and wind power plants
Country of Export transaction: Chile and the USA
Credit amount: MUSD 286
Risk period: 2+12 years
Percentage of cover: 95%
ES-risk classification: B
International standards applied in benchmarking: IFC Performance Standards
Contact point: [email protected]
Signing date of the Finnvera Guarantee Agreement: 29 May 2024
Date of publication: 31 May 2024