Loan for advancing digitalisation and innovation
The Digitalisation and Innovation Loan is suitable for start-ups and companies in operation whose funding needs focus on product, process or service development; other investments in intellectual property; the digitalisation of business models; the digital management of supply chains; digital business development; etc.
The loan has been implemented in cooperation with the European Investment Fund with the support of the InvestEU Guarantee Programme.
Please note that Finnvera does not primarily aim for the role of the main provider of financing.
What kind of projects is a Digitalisation and Innovation Loan suitable for?
The loan can be used to finance innovation and digitalisation investments of Finnish companies, including:
- innovative products or processes
- digital and innovative business models
- enhancing digitalisation in supply chain management
- developing products, processes or services using digital technologies
- digital customer relationship management
- digital business development
Read more about the sectoral restrictions of the InvestEU terms and conditions (PDF) and the measures that fall outside the scope of application. In addition, in line with Finnvera's credit policy, certain sectors are ineligible for Finnvera's financing. Further information on sectoral restrictions in Finnvera's financing
Terms and conditions of Digitalisation and Innovation Loan
The InvestEU guarantee of the European Investment Fund (EIF) allows for favourable terms and conditions of the loan. You may be granted a Digitalisation and Innovation Loan if your project meets the specific InvestEU terms and conditions. Signing the terms and conditions is part of the contract entity.
Read more about the InvestEU terms and conditions (PDF)
How to apply for Digitalisation and Innovation Loan
You can apply for a Digitalisation and Innovation Loan in our online service.
Please read more about the InvestEU terms and conditions (PDF) before applying for financing. Signing the terms and conditions is part of the contract entity.
Would you like to discuss your plans before applying for financing? Please contact our customer service or submit a contact request and we will contact you.