Country classification
This is how to use the map
You can find information about the country classification, country policy and specific conditions related to the country by clicking the country on the map. Information about the country opens under the map application. The map can be enlarged or reduced as desired. You can also search for countries using the drop-down menu or by selecting “View List” to display all countries in the listing.
The aim is to keep the country classification information as up-to-date as possible in the map application, but the data are not binding on Finnvera as the economic and political conditions in the target countries can change quickly.
Risk period
- ST (short term), risk period less than 2 years
- MT/LT (medium/long term), risk period 2 years or more
When no specific conditions for risk-taking are mentioned, Finnvera may consider corporate or project risks for medium term and long term, and short term guarantees may be granted on open account or promissory note/ bill of exchange terms.