Code of Conduct
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Code of Conduct
Finnvera has drawn up rules concerning corporate responsibility and its subsectors (such as financial responsibility, social responsibility and environmental responsibility) and ethical business operations.
On this page you will find Finnvera's Code of Conduct, environmental and social risk management policy, anti-bribery policy and tax evasion risk management policy as PDF documents. Code of Conduct brings together our core principles and practices of good conduct.
Our aim is to serve our customers and fulfil our national mission in a fruitful and sustainable manner.
Read more about Finnvera's Code of Conduct
Anti-bribery Policy
In its export credit guarantee operations, Finnvera is committed to complying with the anti-bribery recommendation confirmed by the OECD (Recommendation of the Council on Bribery and Officially Supported Export Credits).
The OECD anti-bribery recommendation imposes an obligation on export guarantee and export credit agencies, on the one hand, to identify the risks of bribery in connection with the processing of applications for financing and, on the other hand, to minimise the risk of bribery in projects being financed in the form of, for example, commitments required from the parties involved. Ultimately, export guarantee and export credit agencies shall not grant officially supported credits, guarantees or other public aid if there is sufficient evidence that bribery was involved in the award or execution of the export contract.
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Tax haven policy
Finnvera’s role as a public provider of financing, on one hand, and as a body channelling EU assets, on the other hand, requires Finnvera to ensure that the enterprises it finances do not evade taxes with the aid of tax havens. Finnvera’s practical measures for implementing its tax haven policy include identifying tax haven connections, as defined by the EU and the OECD, in financing transactions as well as requiring client enterprises to have separate tax policies or commitment declarations in these cases to ensure that the enterprise appropriately complies with tax regulation in its operations and in the financing transaction in question.
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Environmental and social risk management policy
The environmental and social risk management policy for Finnvera’s financing operations is based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Common Approaches for Officially Supported Export Credits and Environmental and Social Due Diligence. When implementing its environmental and social risk management policy, Finnvera applies a risk-based approach. The policy's guiding principle is to identify the adverse impacts and risks caused to the environment, people or communities by the operations of the undertaking involved in the funding project and to assess measures for avoiding and mitigating adverse impacts and for managing risks.
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Quality system
Finnvera operates according to service approaches defined for different client segments and the ISO 9001 certified operating system. The operating system and its effectiveness are evaluated on a regular basis using both internal and external audits. On the basis of the observations made, the operating system is constantly developed. Deviations, if any, are also addressed.