Finnvera supplements the financial market
Finnvera strengthens the operating potential and competitiveness of Finnish enterprises by offering loans, domestic guarantees, export credit guarantees and other services associated with the financing of exports. Among our goals are increasing the number of starting enterprises; enabling financing for changes encountered by SMEs; and promotion of enterprise growth, internationalisation and exports. Our strategy is spearheaded by impact. For us, impact means that our financing helps clients generate and obtain turnover, financial profit and jobs that would not have been possible otherwise.
As a state-owned specialised financing company Finnvera supplements the financial market. The risks included in financing are shared between Finnvera and other providers of financing.
As the Export Credit Agency (ECA) of Finland Finnvera gives guarantees against political or commercial risks associated with the financing of exports. Political risks are risks that arise from the economic or political situation in a country where a Finnish export company has customers. Commercial risks pertain either to the buyer or to the buyer's bank.
Finnvera's operations are steered by the industrial and ownership policy goals laid down by the State.
Finnvera Group's Key figures
Domestic financing
EUR 2,9 bn
Export credit guarantee and special guarantee operations
EUR 21,1 bn
Self-sustainability and funding
In its operations, Finnvera is expected to adhere to the principle of economic self-sustainability.
Finnvera's long-term funding takes place by issuing notes on capital markets.