A peat fired power plant to Rwanda

Arranger: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Europe Limited
Original Lender: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Europe Limited
Borrower: Eastern and Southern African Trade and Development Bank
Name and description of the project: HQ Power IPP, construction of a peat fired power plant and associated infrastructure
Location and country of the project: Akanyaru Valley, Rwanda
Credit amount: USD 50 million plus capitalized premium
Credit period: disbursement in 3 years and repayment in 9 years
Percentage of cover: 100%
Project classification: A
Environmental and/or social impact information on project in category A, published 21 January 2016:
PEAT power plant ES material (ZIP)
International standards applied in benchmarking: IFC Performance Standards and applicable IFC EHS Guidelines
Contact point: environment (at) finnvera.fi
Information published: 10 January 2018