Equipment and related services to a roasting plant, calcine leaching plant and solvent extraction plant in Mazidagi, Turkey

Exporter: Outotec (Finland) Oy
Guarantee Holder: ING Bank N.V.
Lenders: ING Bank and Bayerische Landesbank
Buyer: Eti Bakir A.S.
Buyer’s country: Turkey
Export transaction/project: Equipment and related services to a roasting plant, calcine leaching plant and solvent extraction plant in Mazidagi, Turkey
Credit amount: EUR 79.8m
Credit period: 10 years
Project classification: A
Source of environmental and social impact information (projects in category A): Basic information as well as information on environmental and social impacts were published at least 30 days before the guarantee agreement was signed. Date of publication: June 5, 2014.
Esia Report (PDF)
Esia Annexes (PDF)
International standards applied in benchmarking: IFC Performance Standards and relevant EHS Guidelines
Contact point: environment (at)
Information published: 20 July 2015