Equipment and services for the rebuild of cardboard machine and evaporation line in Archangel

Exporter: Valmet Technologies Oy and Valmet AB
Guarantee Holder: Unicredit Bank Austria AG
Lender: Unicredit Bank Austria AG
Buyer and Borrower: JSC Arkhangelsk Pulp & Paper Mill
Export transaction/Goods: Equipment and services for the rebuild of cardboard machine and evaporation line
Country of Export transaction: Russia
Credit amount: EUR 81 million
Credit period: 8 years
Project classification: B
Environmental and social impact information: Rebuild of cardboard machine and construction of evaporation line to the existing mill site. Main items of the E&S review were water and energy consumption, GHG emissions, noise, waste water and certification of raw material (wood) procurement.
International standards applied in benchmarking: IFC 2007: Environmental, health and safety guidelines: Pulp and Paper mills and IFC 2007: Environmental, health and safety: General guidelines
Contact point: environment (at)
Information published: 17 October 2017