
Finnvera guarantees Nokia’s deliveries to Romania and Portugal

This is the second credit guaranteed by Finnvera for RCS & RDS.

Nokia delivers telecommunication equipment and related services to Romania and Portugal under Finnvera's export credit guarantee. The amount of the guaranteed credit is EUR 72.7 million.

Deliveries are made to RCS & RDS, the leading telecom operator in Romania, and its subsidiary in Portugal. This is the second credit guaranteed by Finnvera for RCS & RDS.

Signing date of the Finnvera
Agreement: 3 May 2023.
Name of the Guarantee Holder: ING Bank N.V., the Netherlands.
Name of the ExporterNokia Solutions and Networks Oy and/or its subsidiaries.
Name of the LenderING B ank N.V., the Netherlands.
Name of the Buyers: RCS & RDS S.A., Romania and Digi Portugal Sociedade Unipessoal LDA, Portugal.
Name of the Borrower: RCS & RDS S.A., Romania.
Name of the Guarantors: Digi Communications N.V., the Netherlands and Digi Spain Telecom S.L.U, Spain.
Export transactionTelecommunication equipment and related services.
Country of Export transactionRomania and Portugal
Credit amountEUR 72,765,583 million
Credit period: 3 years
Percentage of cover: 95%
ES-risk classification: C
Date of publish: 24 May 2023