Built environment specialist Rapal goes global with Team Finland LetsGrow

The company Rapal seeks strong international growth in several markets. The growth is accelerated through Team Finland LetsGrow finansing programme.
Established in the early 1990s, Rapal specialises in consulting services and software for developing working and living environments. The firm, which is wholly staff owned, helps companies develop the working environment to meet changes in working practice, and to save office costs and to draw up reliable infrastructure cost estimates.
Modern work is location-independent and current offices are not necessarily designed with this in mind. In the best case scenarios Rapal can achieve a triple win situation. Employees can be free to decide for themselves the best place to do the job, the company can save office costs and the environmental load can be reduced through less commuting and business travel.
“Through our software and consulting services Rapal's aim is to verify and assess the impact of developing the working environment in monetary, carbon footprint, employee satisfaction and wellbeing terms,” says CEO Tuomas Kaarlehto.
Growth in the United States and Central Europe
Rapal is seeking international growth through the Team Finland LetsGrow finansing programme, where Finnvera offers unsecured loans, Tekes provides funding for securing expert services and Finpro advice for internationalizing.
“Our cash flow and equity are in good shape. Money has been set aside in our books for capturing new markets. The loan from Finnvera, obtained through the LetsGrow programme, is an excellent way to share the risks involved in internationalisation and provides some financial breathing room, which is especially useful in these economically tough times. The Tekes funding has been used, among other things, for marketing research in Central Europe and China.”
Rapal's office is located in Leppävaara in Espoo, and the company has a subsidiary in the US in San Francisco. The group has about 70 employees. Turnover has been steadily rising since the company was established and annual growth stands at around 15 per cent. The company's customer base is made up of government and large corporations in various sectors. The largest client of the California based subsidiary is the biotechnology company Genentech.
“The United States is our most important market. It can be really difficult, but it is definitely the most productive. We are also currently looking into the potential in Central Europe, because we believe our products have a clear market there.”
Kaj Nordgren, Tekes
Photo: Rapal