CEO Pauli Heikkilä: Not a single feasible project should be left without financing

According to Pauli Heikkilä, CEO of Finnvera, Finland has a well-functioning financial market. Writing in Finnvera’s Annual Report of 2015, he states that Finnvera’s role is emphasised especially at the start of enterprise activities and in various situations of change, when the company is needed as a co-financier for projects.
Heikkilä also stresses that Finnvera’s role is to encourage enterprises to enter international markets:
“We have constantly developed our operations to be able to meet the needs of our clients in the optimal way. Our goal is to identify growth companies and encourage them to become international,” he underlines.
For export financing, the year was busy and the total value of offers pertaining to exports was record high.
“The orders for ships that followed the ownership arrangements of the Turku shipyard, an event important from the point of view of industrial history, were the absolute highlight of the year and were also visible in our export financing.”
“We want to ensure that Finnish companies get the financing they need for their profitable projects,” Heikkilä writes.
Read the CEO’s full review of 2015 here.