Finnvera awarded as the best ECA

Finnvera is the best export credit agency in the world and has succeeded to serve export enterprises and their buyer customers the best possible way. This is how exporters, buyers and financers reviewed Finnvera in a survey conducted by TXF Media, an international export trade and finance media and analyst. Last year Finnvera was number one in TXF’s Importer’s Choice category and in top 3 also as Exporter´s Choice. Now Finnvera was number one in the whole survey.
The award was presented in Berlin on June 12 2019.
–It is a great honour to receive the best ECA’s recognition that was based on a survey of 300 global operators. We are happy that the grounds to our success was specifically our performance in customer service. We wish to thank our customers and stakeholders for this. We will continue to develop our service in cooperation, says Pauli Heikkilä, CEO of Finnvera.
The results underlined Finnvera’s industry expertise and flexibility. Exporters give thanks to Finnvera for quick answers and flexible solutions. Banks and financers on their behalf value the fact that both export credit guarantee and financing are available in the same place.
–We are very grateful and happy for the recognition that comes from our most important stakeholders, that is the exporters and their buyer customers. Our goal is to promote exporter’s chances to succeed in export deals and growth internationally. The result shows that we have developed our services in the right way, says Jussi Haarasilta, Senior Vice President.
Globally 300 representatives from export enterprises, buyers and banks took part in the TXF survey. All the top three ECA’s came from the Nordic countries, which shows that the export financing knowhow is strong here. The success also refers to a financing culture, where small countries need to build their competiviness on customer orientation instead of big volumes.
Additional information:
Jussi Haarasilta, Senior Vice President, Finnvera, tel. +358 29 460 2601
Pauli Heikkilä, CEO, Finnvera, tel. +358 29 460 2400
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