Investments by internationalising enterprises finally on the rise

After a long decline, investments by enterprises seeking growth on international markets seem to have picked up in the first half of the year. The information is based on applications for financing that Finnvera has processed during the first six months of the year.
“I think this is a good signal showing that enterprises feel more confident about investing. The change is particularly significant because the growth is based on intangible investments, such as research and development, and on various corporate reorganisations,” says Katja Keitaanniemi, Executive Vice President, SMEs.
Intangible investments have in recent years accounted for 2 to 3 per cent of internationalising enterprises’ projects financed by Finnvera. However, during the first half of the current year, their share almost doubled. The amount of financing needed for corporate reorganisations also nearly doubled when compared against previous years.
Keitaanniemi stresses the importance of intangible investments for developing long-term competitiveness.
“When operating on international markets, Finland’s problem has been the relatively small company size, which means that the resources available are also small. When the company size increases, there are more opportunities to invest in international growth.
“No single region or sector explains the growth in investments. The probable reason is therefore an increase in general investment activity,” Keitaanniemi presumes.
The surveys conducted by the Federation of Finnish Financial Services and the Confederation of Finnish Industries also corroborate the positive trend. Despite the increase in investments, the working capital required by growth is still the greatest single need for Finnvera’s financing.