Kasvu Open helps companies' growth dreams come true

The nationwide Kasvu Open 2015 business competition has started. It provides companies with free support and coaching for promoting growth and renewal.
Kasvu Open ('Growth Open') is an effective growth-coaching process, in which each participating company has a chance to develop its operations and business idea with experts. In 2015, growth-coaching will be provided on more than 20 regional or sectoral growth paths. A total of 455 companies will be able to join the coaching process and 80 of them will be selected to the Kasvu Open final, which will take place on 22 and 23 October.
'Finnvera was also involved in the Kasvu Open process last year as a partner and a provider of coaching. Judging by the feedback received from companies, Kasvu Open provides concrete tools for growth. You rarely have the chance to test your own ideas before such a diverse group of experts. On the other hand, this is also a great opportunity for us at Finnvera to get close to Finnish growth companies,' explains Titta Mantila, Finnvera's Director of Finance.
Applications for Start up and Start again series can be submitted until 30 June on the website of Kasvu Open. The Start again series is intended for companies seeking renewal. Companies are supported by a total of 910 experts representing different business sectors, who offer their services for Kasvu Open free of charge.
'Kasvu Open provides a comprehensive package of business and financing expertise and the aim is to help your company to succeed,' says Titta Mantila, encouraging enterprises to take part.
Finnvera, together with Nordea and Sonera, is the main partner of the Kasvu Open competition.
Further information: Uljas Valkeinen, Director of Kasvu Open, tel. +358 (0)50 568 8555