Team Finland boosts its services to entrepreneurs

The Team Finland network is developing its domestic services. The aim is to simplify companies' access to the network's services and to improve the smoothness of service. Prime Minister Juha Sipilä has today appointed a new Steering Group for the network, with Mr. Risto Siilasmaa as Vice Chairman.
Team Finland network is developing its domestic services. Thanks to the new service model, the network organizations can now serve companies in an unbroken chain, without referring them from one organization to another. The first changes visible to Finnish companies are one common telephone service number and an online contact form. The new services were introduced on Thursday, August 27, 2015.
"The idea underlying Team Finland's new domestic service model is simple: a company gets all the services it needs from a single service point. In other words, the company does not need to learn the division of tasks between public organizations in order to obtain the services they provide. Instead of dallying over complex administrative structures, we must direct our attention towards conquering new markets and building new growth. This calls for a Finnish team spirit – which is exactly what Team Finland is all about," says Mr. Olli Rehn, Minister of Economic Affairs.
Service is improved by more focused customer service and tighter cooperation between the organisations in managing customer relationship. Each customer company will get a service team which, according to the customer's needs, combines the expertise of different organizations. The team makes a service proposal for the customer and takes care of the customer's changing needs. Regional activities are carried out in cooperation with local actors, including regional development agencies, chambers of commerce and the Federation of Finnish Enterprises. Due to the new service model, the entrepreneur need not know the details about the services provided by different organisations.
"There is a demand for Finnish expertise worldwide. The duty of the State is to ensure that the operating environment for companies is good. Well-functioning internationalization services are an integral element in this," Ms. Lenita Toivakka, Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, points out.
Prime Minister Juha Sipilä has appointed Risto Siilasmaa, Chairman of the Board of Nokia Corporation and F-Secure Corporation, to act as Vice Chairman of the Team Finland Steering Group. Prime Minister Sipilä himself serves as Chairman of the Steering Group. The following persons were appointed as members of the Steering Group: Ilkka Kivimäki, Partner, Inventure Oy; Nina Kopola, President and CEO, Suominen Corporation; Päivi Leiwo, Chairman of the Board, Oilon Oy; Paula Salastie, CEO, Teknos Group Oy; Paula Lehtomäki, State Secretary, Prime Minister's Office; Peter Stenlund, Secretary of State, Ministry for Foreign Affairs; Jari Gustafsson, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Employment and the Economy (as of October 1, 2015); and Anita Lehikoinen, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education and Culture.
"We will continue developing the Team Finland network in line with the Government Programme. We want to help even more new, internationally competitive companies to reach the global markets. At the same time, we will steer the internationalization service providers to ever closer cooperation," states Prime Minister Juha Sipilä.
The Steering Group is appointed for the duration of Government's term, it is responsible for target setting and the strategic steering of the network. Its composition ensures good interaction between the business world and government.
Team Finland network brings together all government-funded players providing internationalisation services for companies, working to attract foreign direct investments to Finland, and promoting Finland's country brand. The core of the network comprises of the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Culture, and the publicly funded organisations under their supervision that offer internationalisation services.
Team Finland's common telephone service number is +358 295 020 510. The contact form for the companies is available at
More information
- Anna-Kaisa Heikkinen, Special Adviser to the Prime Minister (International Affairs), tel. +358 40 7483 867, Prime Minister's Office;
- Jannika Ranta, Special Adviser to the Minister of Economic Affairs, tel. +358 29 504 7165, Ministry of Employment and the Economy;
- Marja Koskela, Diplomatic Adviser to the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development, tel. +358 295 350 633, Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Requests for interviews of Risto Siilasmaa, Vice Chairman of the Team Finland Steering Group, please contact Mari-Kaisa Brander, Communications Manager, tel. +358 40 131 3388, Prime Minister's Office.