The Growth Loan for faster growth and internationalisation

At the beginning of April, Finnvera’s selection of financing services was supplemented with a new loan product, the Growth Loan.
Kalle Åström, Program Manager at Finnvera’s SME Unit, for what types of projects is the Growth Loan designed?
– The Growth Loan is intended for financing SMEs and midcap companies in major growth and internationalisation projects or corporate reorganisation. The idea is that the loan would attract financiers operating on market terms to invest in projects where risks are high but profitability and effectiveness are deemed to be good.
Who can apply for a Growth Loan?
– Finnvera’s Growth Loan may be granted to SMEs and midcap companies that have been in operation for over three years. The loan is not suited for the very start of business or for small projects. In these situations, some other financing product we provide may be the solution; for instance, Finnvera’s Start Guarantee, where the bank submits the guarantee application to Finnvera on behalf of its customer.
The Growth Loan is a debt-based mezzanine financing product that combines the features of both equity and debt financing. The company’s self-financing portion must always be at least 20% and the share contributed to the total financing by financiers other than Finnvera must be at least 50%.
The Growth Loan is granted for each project on a case-by-case basis. Project profitability and eligibility for financing are assessed together with other financiers.
Read more: Growth Loan