Companies’ perceptions of the availability of financing at a low level – financing on offer for profitable projects

The number of growth-oriented SMEs has increased since last spring, and the number of enterprises with a strong desire to grow has already reached the level that prevailed before the-financial crisis. Yet problems exist in the application for financing.
The positive trend observed already last spring has continued and among SMEs, economic expectations for the near future are considerably more optimistic than before. The same trend is also visible in growth orientation: 11 per cent of enterprises already say that they have a strong desire to grow while 39 per cent seek growth according to their possibilities.
Internationalisation is seen as the key avenue for growth. The number of SMEs with a strong desire to grow has already reached the level that prevailed before the financial crisis.
The availability of external financing has not changed. Slightly more SMEs than before plan to apply for financing within the next year. On the other hand, one in ten respondents reported that they would have needed financing during the past 12 months but had not applied for it. Nor has the will to apply for internationalisation financing risen at the same rate as growth orientation.
“About 80 per cent of enterprises that had applied for financing said that the terms or availability of financing had no negative impact on the implementation of projects. Since as many as one in ten do not apply for financing because they assume that availability, in particular, is poor, we must communicate to SMEs ever more clearly that financing is indeed available for profitable projects,” says Katja Keitaanniemi, Executive Vice President, SMEs at Finnvera.
However, a positive signal of the functioning of the financial market is that 46 per cent of the enterprises that had not applied for financing – despite their needs – reported that they had in any case implemented their project according to plans.
Expectations for exports and investments on the rise
The respondents to the SME Barometer Survey also have positive expectations for exports, and exports are assumed to increase steeply in all sectors. Financing is now sought for investments slightly more often than before, while the number of applications for working capital has decreased.
The Federation of Finnish Enterprises, Finnvera and the Ministry of Employment and the Economy jointly conduct an SME Barometer Survey twice a year. The goal is to study the operations and economic environment of small and medium-sized enterprises. The barometer for autumn 2016 is based on responses from over 6,000 SMEs.
SME Survey on The Federation of Finnish Enterprises website
Additional information:
Katja Keitaanniemi, Executive Vice President, SMEs, tel. +358 29 460 2888
Jonna Myllykangas, Communications Officer, tel. +358 29 460 2740