Finnvera to speed up the financing of small export transactions

For its own part, Finnvera wants to ease the financing of smaller export transactions carried out by enterprises. The first step is the new Bill of Exchange Guarantee, which is best suited to transactions of less than two million euros.
Finnish exports are concentrated in a few sectors and are dominated by large corporations. SMEs account for only about 15 per cent of the total value of exports.
“It is evident that Finland needs more SME exporters. In general, simpler financing options should be available for small export deals. Complex credit documents and their high costs are often obstacles to financing the smallest transactions. The first product we are launching is the Bill of Exchange Guarantee, where we have considerably relaxed our requirements for both the exporter and the bank. We’ll continue making our services increasingly responsive in order to help Finnish exporters in their sales efforts,” says Executive Vice President Jussi Haarasilta.
A bill of exchange is a traditional means of payment
The use of bills of exchange has gradually increased in foreign trade in recent years. The bill of exchange serves both the exporter and the buyer because the exporter is paid in cash while the buyer is given payment time. Finnvera’s Bill of Exchange Guarantee, in turn, protects the bank from any credit losses that might arise. Compared to a loan agreement, for example, a bill of exchange is a quick and cheap payment instrument.
“Our new Bill of Exchange Guarantee requires no security for small transactions of under two million euros. We trimmed the contents of the guarantee agreement and simplified pricing. We also cover risks stemming from the application of laws and regulations on bills of exchange that have been passed in various countries. We want to boost transactions of this size class in particular by increasing flexibility in our guarantee terms associated with export bills of exchange,” Team Leader Eeva-Maija Pietikäinen explains.
The exporter applies for the guarantee from Finnvera and submits credit data and financial statements on both the buyer and the guarantor, if any, over the past two to three years. Additional information is requested, if necessary. Finnvera always makes guarantee decisions individually for each project.
Finding the right kind of payment method requires cooperation with the exporter, the exporter’s bank and Finnvera. It is essential that the financing is planned well in advance before the conclusion of the export transaction. In this way it is possible to select the payment method that suits each export deal. This is important particularly for bills of exchange because not all countries use them as a means of payment.
Additional information:
Jussi Haarasilta, Executive Vice President, tel. +358 29 460 2601
Eeva-Maija Pietikäinen, Team Leader, tel. +358 29 460 2674
Products > Export Credit Guarantees > Bill of Exchange Guarantee