Finnvera’s authorisation to provide export financing was raised

The ceilings for the Finnvera Group's export credits and export credit guarantees have been raised. The Finnvera Group can continue to provide Finnish export companies with internationally competitive financial arrangements for their export transactions. The legislative amendments will enter into force on 15 April 2016.
The authorisation to grant export credits will rise from EUR 7 billion to EUR 13 billion, while the authorisation to grant export credit guarantees will rise from EUR 17 billion to EUR 19 billion. The authorisation to provide interest equalisation will also increase, from EUR 7 billion to EUR 13 billion. The purpose of the increases is to improve the competitiveness of Finnish companies engaged in the exports of capital goods and to enhance their opportunities to secure export contracts.
– “Long-term financing plays an important role in negotiations for export-related purchase agreements. Bank regulation has affected banks’ possibilities to finance long loan periods. For this reason, Finnish Export Credit Ltd is needed in large financial arrangements. Some individual large export deals have increased our exposures close to their maximum limits. The increases in the authorisations enable Finnvera to participate in financial arrangements for Finnish companies’ export transactions and for their foreign buyers in the coming years as well,” says CEO Pauli Heikkilä.
The parent company Finnvera’s total commitments for export credit guarantees and special guarantees amounted to EUR 17.4 billion at the end of December 2015. The outstanding commitments for export credit guarantees in accordance with the ceiling laid down by law totalled EUR 14.2 billion. The outstanding export credits and ship credits granted by the subsidiary Finnish Export Credit totalled EUR 4.2 billion. The granting of export and ship credits always requires an export credit guarantee. In other words, the risks associated with the project are covered with an export credit guarantee. According to the goal of economic self-sustainability set for Finnvera’s operations, the income received from the company’s operations must, in the long run, cover the company’s operating expenses. The self-sustainability of export financing has been realised over Finnvera’s history of 17 years, and Finnvera’s operations have not caused any costs to the State.
Finnvera acquires the funds needed for credits from the market, by issuing State-guaranteed notes. The maximum amount of loans guaranteed by the State was raised from EUR 9 billion to EUR 15 billion.
Additional information:
Pauli Heikkilä, Chief Executive Officer, tel. +358 29 460 2400
Jussi Haarasilta, Executive Vice President, tel. +358 29 460 2601