Reforms in Finnvera's online service from 13 December 2023

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The reforms of Finnvera's online service will continue on 13 December 2023: functions including applying for a change in granted financing, sending a message to Finnvera and submitting financial statements will be transferred to a new service platform.
The reform is part of a wider overall reform of our online services, in which we will gradually transfer our services to the new service platform in 2023–2024. During the transitional phase, both the old and the new online services will be in use. The front page directs the visitor to the right service. Please note that companies’ previous applications and the related decisions and appendices can be found in the online service where they were originally made.
Applying for a change in granted financing
Via our online service, you can, for example, apply for a change in repayment schedule, an instalment-free period or changes to the collateral.
Sending a message to Finnvera
On the Messages tab, you can notify Finnvera of changes to name and contact information, the company's e-invoicing address, or the company's or person's account number. You can also send free-form messages to Finnvera's experts.
Submitting financial statement information through our online service
Every year, Finnvera’s customer companies receive a letter from Finnvera requesting the submission of their latest financial statements through Finnvera’s online service if the company’s financial statements are not available through the Finnish Patent and Registration Office. You can send the requested financial statements on the ‘Annual Financial Statements’ tab of our online service. Once the financial statement analysis has been completed, you can view the company's financial statement analysis feedback on the 'Annual Financial Statements’ tab.
You will be able to see the financing offer for the Finnvera guarantee applied for by the bank in the new online service
Once your bank has applied for a Finnvera guarantee on behalf of your company, you will receive a financing offer via our new online service. The contact person named for the application will receive an e-mail notification of the financing offer received in the service. If your company has applied for Finnvera's Start Guarantee or SME Guarantee, your bank will contact you.
Finnvera's online services will be reformed gradually in 2023–2024
The online services for exporters and financing partners will be reformed in early 2024. Our aim is to update all online services by the end of 2024.